Human rights groups are growing increasingly concerned over Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s “Commission on Unalienable Rights” (Al Jazeera). Pompeo is reexamining human rights in U.S. foreign policy, determining what human rights the U.S. will recognize and protect abroad (HRW). Over 160 human rights groups and advocates have publicly voiced fear over the commission’s work and membership (HRC). The membership was handpicked by Pompeo’s staff, and consist mostly of conservatives with strong academic credentials (NYT.)
The mission statement of the commission is upholding “natural laws” across the globe (Al Jazeera). Human rights groups see this as coded language for an anti-LGBT and anti-reproductive rights agenda (Al Jazeera). Several of these human rights organizations have sued the state department, claiming a fairly balanced commission is needed to determine human rights (NYT). The commission is expected to release its report on recommendations for the role of human rights in U.S. foreign policy within the next month (Al Jazeera).