Healing Societies in Conflict
Lessons from Northern Ireland and Israel-Palestine
November 9, 2020 from 10:00AM to 11:15AM
Leaders of Jerusalem-based Amal-Tikva and Belfast-based Rethinking Conflict will share their experiences working with academic institutions, think tanks, NGO’s, faith based groups faith-based groups, governments, and the media.
Topics of discussion: Why is it critical for people from different walks of life to talk to each other? How it is possible to heal societies in situations where opposing parties passionately believe in their own narrative? How can grassroots activism improve to overall climate for peace? How can people-to-people initiatives preserve peace? What has worked in the Northern Ireland and the Israel-Palestinian situations? What lessons can the United States learn and apply to problems such as racial tension?
Presenters include: Rev. Dr. Gary Mason, Founder of Belfast-based Rethinking Conflict, Meredith Rothbart of Jerusalem-based Amal-Tikva, and Basheer Abu Baker of Jerusalem-based Amal-Tikva
Moderated by David Dumke, Executive Director of UCF Global Perspectives and International Initiatives, and introductions by Dr. Hakan Özoğlu, Middle East Studies.
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This event will also be livestreamed on the UCF Global YouTube Channel.