Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State See COVID-19 As An Opportunity

April 17, 2020
As the countries of the world, each in their own way, seek to combat the Coronavirus (COVID-19), violent extremists like Islamic State (IS) and Al-Qaeda (AQ) see the virus as an opportunity. It is an opportunity to take advantage of the confusion and weakness created by the widespread virus, which the Jihadists view as a […]

Contrasting Responses of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus to Long Term Change, Catastrophic Weather Events and the COVID-19 Pandemic

April 6, 2020
WEF Nexus as a Framework to Evaluate Societal Responses to Disturbance The WEF Nexus is a convenient means to assess interactions among the three resources controlling the structure and function of human communities and natural ecosystems: water, energy and food. System sustainability depends on maximizing resilience in the interactions among the resources comprising the three-legged […]

Population Size Does Not Explain the High Number of COVID-19 Cases in the United States

March 25, 2020
As of 25 March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) has confirmed well over 400,000 global cases of the novel coronavirus—COVID-19. The real case numbers, of course, are likely far higher. As this pandemic continues to claim lives, dominate media, and damage economies, many observers are trying to understand the patterns of this contagion to […]