Russian Cultural Annexation of Ukraine

January 4, 2023
Russia and Ukraine have entered into their sixth month of armed conflict. After invading Ukraine on February 24th, 2022, Russia forced Ukrainian forces out of all of the Luhansk region and the majority of the Donbas region[i]. In March, Russia redefined its military objective to liberate the Luhansk and Donetsk provinces instead of the entirety […]

International Officials Call on Israel to Stop Annexation Plans

July 1, 2020
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres urged Israel to abandon annexation plans, warning the plans would threaten peace with Palestinians (Reuters 1). Guterres spoke of the longstanding goal to establish a two-state solution with an independent and contiguous Palestine (France 24). Various UN experts agree experts with Guterres, stating released a statement declaring “The annexation of occupied […]