Every week, GPII Interns and Fellows scour the global news to write about what is happening in a specific issue area or region. Each post includes multiple sources and gives a brief recount of a timely event. Check back regularly to see what GPII Interns and Fellows have written.

Africa a Second Front in Ukraine War

Terrorist groups have become increasingly prevalent in West Africa as they strive to gain territory and overthrow the governments of these countries (Office of the Director of National Intelligence). As Ukraine and Russia are fighting for each other’s territory, the two countries have expanded their efforts beyond Eastern Europe to garner support and exercise their […]
Posted November 22, 2024

Dental Professionals and Accessibility in Puerto Rico

Dental care is vital to individuals’ well-being. Dental care can help prevent future diseases such as bacteria from the mouth spreading onto other parts of the body, causing further infection and chronic disease (Penn Dental Medicine, 2022). From common cavities to abscess or periodontal disease that require teeth removal, individuals are likely to face oral […]
Posted November 19, 2024

Increasing Migration to Scotland

Multiple reports from government offices in the United Kingdom (UK) are bringing attention to increasing migration to Scotland from the rest of the UK, which includes England and Wales as well as Northern Ireland. This is a change from the previous century when Scotland had negative net migration until 2001, according to an article from […]
Posted November 19, 2024

Venezuelans Facing a Humanitarian Emergency

Venezuela, once one of the richest nations in Latin America (Harvard Kennedy School) is presently facing a humanitarian crisis. Access to food, medicine, and clean water has become impossible for millions of Venezuelans due to years of economic incompetence, conflict over politics, and international sanctions. As the situation deteriorates, the fight for survival intensifies, with […]
Posted November 19, 2024

Sudan Dam Collapse

Sudan’s precarious social, political, and economic fabric faces another tear as the Arbaat Dam collapses. What has now become 500 days of war in Sudan is characterized by the fighting between Rapid Support Forces (RSF), a paramilitary group vying for control over the now failing state, and the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF), the military forces […]
Posted October 22, 2024

Sri Lanka’s Elections and What Is Ahead

On Saturday, September 21st, 2024, the South Asian nation of Sri Lanka voted in its tenth annual presidential election (Reuters). This was the first election for the island since the insufficiency of foreign currency pushed Sri Lanka into an unprecedented economic crisis in decades (Reuters). Sri Lanka’s crippling economy came after they defaulted on their […]
Posted October 7, 2024

Cuba on the State Sponsorship of Terrorism List for Over Thirty Years

The State Sponsorship of Terrorism (SSOT) list was founded in 1979 amidst the tail end of the Cold War and 17 years after the Cuban Missile Crisis. As determined by the U.S. Secretary of State, countries on the list have repeatedly supported international terrorism and are “designated pursuants” to multiple laws associated with restrictions on […]
Posted October 3, 2024

Open Weapons Trafficking in Yemen

A recent report from the British Broadcasting Center (BBC) brings renewed attention to a relatively unreported issue in the country of Yemen. The northern territories and the capital Sana’a are under the control of a terrorist group known as the Houthis. The group receives military support from Iran as well as the terrorist group Hezbollah […]
Posted September 16, 2024

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