N. Ireland Offers Great Example of Success: Let’s Learn From It

September 3, 2024
In July, a GPII team visited Belfast and Dublin, where they were joined by partners from Belfast-based Rethinking Conflict, Cambridge University’s Kings College, and the University of Manchester. The delegation was hosted by Rev. Dr. Gary Mason, who is a noted global expert in conflict resolution and transformation. This was the second such GPII visit […]

Irish Parties Agree to Coalition Deal

June 23, 2020
Dominant Irish parties Fine Gael and Fianna Fail agreed to form a coalition to include the Green Party. The decision ends a political deadlock caused by inconclusive elections in February (Reuters). The February elections saw previous minority party Sinn Fein win the majority of the votes. The deal excluded Sinn Fein for its Irish unity […]

Ireland’s Prime Minister works as a Doctor

April 12, 2020
In light of the COVID-19 epidemic, the Republic of Ireland’s prime minister Leo Varadkar re-registered as a medical practitioner. Last Sunday Varadkar announced he will work one shift a week (Reuters). He offered his services to the Ireland Health Service Executive (HSE) after registering in March (Reuters). Varadkar previously worked as a doctor for seven […]