Brazil’s Deforestation

Brazil’s Environment Minister Ricardo Salles has fired the country’s top environmental enforcement officer after a news program broadcast a dramatic raid on illegal mining in the Amazon (Reuters 1). The move appears to be the latest attempt by the government of President Jair Bolsonaro to undermine the federal environment agency Ibama, which fights against deforestation […]
Posted April 22, 2020

The U.S. Stops PPE Exports to the Caribbean

Caribbean nations  seeking to acquire protective gear to prevent the spread of the coronavirus (Miami Herald). A new policy from the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) prevents U.S. vendors from shipping personal protective equipment, PPE, overseas (Miami Herald). To accomplish this, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection will detain shipments of PPE and allow […]
Posted April 22, 2020

G20 Nations Agree To Freeze Debt of Poorer Nations

On Wednesday, officials from the G20 major economies agreed to freeze debt owed by the world’s poorest countries (Reuters). The measure is aimed to help developing nations focus their spending on healthcare and protecting their vulnerable citizens from the pandemic (AP). An estimated 76 nations will be eligible for the debt deferment, with 40 being […]
Posted April 22, 2020

WHO Officials Say Coming Weeks Are ‘Critical’

The regional director of the World Health Organization, Hans Kluge, stated that European nations should be cautious when considering easing lockdowns and restrictions (Reuters). Kluge told reporters “In the past 10 days, the number of cases reported in Europe has nearly doubled to close to one million” (France 24). He also stated that about 50% […]
Posted April 22, 2020

Detained Children at Risk for COVID-19

A spike in coronavirus cases in immigration detention centers has increased concern for the safety of children across the globe (ABC). As numbers rise, those in overcrowded spaces such as jail cells or detentions pose greater vulnerability to the virus. Inadequate access to healthcare, nutrition, or hygiene services are not uncommon and create a highly […]
Posted April 22, 2020

The Projected 300,000

According to a new model from the Imperial College London, under the best-case scenario Africa could see a death-toll of 300,000 due to coronavirus (A.P News). This estimate is projected given all countries introduce and maintain strict social distancing practices, but still sees 122.8 million infections, 2.2 million hospitalizations and 300,000 deaths (Reuters). In contrast […]
Posted April 22, 2020

Bolsonaro Fires Health Minister Following Dispute Over COVID-19

On Wednesday, Brazil’s death toll from COVID-19 in Brazil reached 1,736 according to data from the Ministry of Health (Reuters 1). One day later, the Health Minister Henrique Mandetta announced his imminent removal from the position on Friday due to clashes with President Jair Bolsonaro (Reuters 1). The two disagreed on the correct approach to […]
Posted April 22, 2020

Price of Sweden’s Low-Scale COVID-19 Approach

Sweden’s COVID-19 death toll rose to 887 as of Sunday. The Scandinavian country’s approach to combating the virus has been an anomaly due to its relatively relaxed method in comparison to the rest of Europe (BBC). Stores, primary schools, restaurants, and bars have remained opened through-out March and April despite rising numbers of cases (AP). […]
Posted April 22, 2020

Domestic Violence Battlegrounds Worsen Due to COVID-19 Crisis

As governments worldwide made major disaster declarations due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many victims of domestic violence found themselves locked at home with their abusers. Forced to shelter in place, victims of domestic abuse all over the world became even more vulnerable. UN Secretary General António Guterres urged all governments to put women’s safety first […]
Posted April 22, 2020

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