With our international initiatives, global partners, and network of regional and topical experts, GPII is uniquely positioned to assess the many aspects of global crisis. This blog hosts articles from scholars and practitioners – one component of the Addressing Global Crisis Project. Click here to learn more.

COVID-19: Isle of Man Response and Issues for the Future for Small States

“There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.” How have the Isle of Man and other small states responded to those recent COVID-19 related weeks? The Isle of Man is an island of around 85,000 people and 227 square miles, located in the Irish Sea roughly midway between England, Scotland and Ireland. It is […]
Posted May 18, 2020

Suspending Immigration Will Hurt America’s Recovery

Immigrants have been vital to this nation’s success pre-COVID, and they will be key participants in ensuring the U.S. economy grows when the pandemic is over. Foreign born workers were instrumental in powering the consistent economic growth the U.S. saw from 2010 to early 2020. To see that growth again, it will take native-born Americans […]
Posted May 15, 2020

An Illuminating Farmer-to-Farmer Story in Morocco

William ‘Bill’ Nichols served as a volunteer consultant through the United States Agency for International Development’s Farmer-to-Farmer Program (USAID F2F) for two weeks in January 2020. From New Mexico, his collaboration as an F2F volunteer improved the tree nursery production of four cooperatives in southern Morocco. One immediate benefit of his visits with Moroccan farmers […]
Posted May 4, 2020

“America First” In A World Crisis

America First is clearly a failed policy – for the United States and the world at large. This Trumpian isolationist doctrine appeals to a small base of nativist Americans who subscribe to hard-core isolationist views. As America pulls back from the very international institutions it helped establish in the post-World War II era, the guardrails […]
Posted April 28, 2020

Domestic Violence Battlegrounds Worsen Due to COVID-19 Crisis

As governments worldwide made major disaster declarations due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many victims of domestic violence found themselves locked at home with their abusers. Forced to shelter in place, victims of domestic abuse all over the world became even more vulnerable. UN Secretary General António Guterres urged all governments to put women’s safety first […]
Posted April 22, 2020

Erdogan’s Executive Presidency Fails the Coronavirus Test

Before Turkey’s executive presidency was inaugurated in 2018, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan repeated a pledge he had made on the campaign trail to rally support behind his long-term vision of changing the country’s parliamentary system to a presidential one. He promised to speed up the functioning of the state and make it more efficient. The […]
Posted April 17, 2020

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